Collage by HeroAcademy


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Spencer sat down on his black and indigo bed and started setting up his bass, waiting for the others.
"Come in," He said, rolling his eyes.
*Luvi walked in with Needles pens and pencils*. Hi!
*sets up drum set*
"Uh, yeah." He said. "Who doesn't play an instrument?"
"Hmm... maybe. Let's put up a sign up sheet!"
"Well, I asked the principal and she said we have to have at least FOUR members to start a club. Really? ONE under!"
perfect! *teleports to the art room to get the supplies needed* Let's do this!
EW EW EW I can read minds you know!!!!
"Who wants Tacos?"
He brings some over with his telekinesis and shoots Taylor a flirty smile.
Tacos sound good! thanks! Also, I can teleport around to see if I can find someone to be in the band!
*whispers* he likes you ok?!
what IS your power anyway?
I can read minds not tell the future, but I've never tried it, do you want me to try?
*tries* He will eventually ask you out but it won't be easy you might get hurt in the process that's all I can see
Oh my... let me try something.... *forms force field* Yes!!! I finally did it!
Wha? Fashion isn't really my thing...
Oh no *an hour later*
ok, so, are your parent famous heroes?
*smiles* Thanks, I don't really have parents seeing that I'm part robot...
Yeah! I loved her growing up!
That's horrible, I wasn't ever raised I was just trapped in a big white room