Match A Lyric To...πŸ‘¬7️⃣

Your Gay OTP
(You're My Best Friend, Queen)


As soon as I saw the challenge I knew! Dean and Seamus are AMAZING... did you know that they were originally gonna be a couple?πŸ˜πŸ˜…


Match A Lyric To...πŸ‘¬7️⃣ Your Gay OTP (You're My Best Friend, Queen) -Day7- As soon as I saw the challenge I knew! Dean and Seamus are AMAZING... did you know that they were originally gonna be a couple?πŸ˜πŸ˜…

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(continued from caption)❀️ I didn't want something TOO cheesy... but I love the beat of this song and I can just really picture them dancing/goofing around to itπŸ˜…πŸ‚
This is so sweet!!!