Heyo, How are you all?
QOTD: Do you have any pets and if so what pets?
AOTD: Yea I have four pets: One dog, two puppies and a hamster


Tap Heyo, How are you all? QOTD: Do you have any pets and if so what pets? AOTD: Yea I have four pets: One dog, two puppies and a hamster

19 0
AOTD: 1 my doggo
AOTD: 3 cats
Nice! ๐Ÿ˜†
hey I just realized Iโ€™m in your bio! thank you so much! (Iโ€™ll add you in mine soon ๐Ÿ’•)
thank you!!!m
AOTD: 1 dog, 1 pony and a hamster.
Their names are: Cookie (hamster), Smurf (pony) and Luna (dog, named after Luna Lovegood)