Collage by _EVERYONE_Be_Kind_


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I a, bored.
I need to leave in a few min to tho
thank you!
sorry I can't talk today
Re//: Then who are you?
Lol your first post literally says that your _magical 😂
Re//: Look I don’t really know if you can say sorry after all that. I forgive you, but that was really awful what you said to me and my friend.
Re//: When? I wasn’t rude to her! You were so mean to me and my friend, what you did was actually cyber bullying and I would count it as harassment as well.
Re//: You know what? Why did you even come back? To be mean again. I’m really sick of this.
Come back to talk to me I mean, IDK if your on PC
Re//: Yes actually you were cyber bullying me!
Re//: I’ll admit she was being mean, but I was not. So do not punish me for this. And just because she was being mean doesn’t make it better for you to be mean!