Why are girls sooo fxcked up sometimes God


Why are girls sooo fxcked up sometimes God

29 0
omg I just had the best rant ever
how?we're pretty straight forward
haha well that's no confusing u shouldn't be talking to any guy except ur bf that's why he's jealous and he probably thought u were a player bc u were dating someone and he probably thought u were cheating
well then all u need in ur life is family and ur bf
well u better watch out bc us guys know that if our girl has any guy friends somethin will eventually probably happen there so one day u gotta think who's more important
not just ur best friend I meant ur other guy friends and still it don't matter
us guys get jealous bc we know what happens
we do bc we know what's gonna happen
you need to chill omg all girls are the same pls leave
oh do u Alex 🤔