Thank you, suicide-teen


Thank you, suicide-teen

92 31
I can relate to this a lot
call them out because that's just rude for her to say that and I think you should say who it is so people will know who she
ok xxcx thank you
the persons account is Pinapple7
Don't let people get to you, I believe you are stronger than you may seem
thank you
No problem! I said before that I got your back!
I'm so sorry that people think like that. Stay Strong. XxX
so so true! I'm suicidal, and people I'll never meet just can't except that
Don't let the haters get you down💗
I won't xxx
Aw stay strong💗 haters gonna hate
i'm not saying this person is right, but I think they may have said that because they thought you are promoting suicide. but I might be wrong.
no, they told me what they meant by it :(
I think they wouldn't follow you bc you're acc might be sorta triggering for other people
no, they said what they meant by it
I am too, and I can't see why people don't want us as people. it's just sad
do u want a logo? ur so kind and you really deserve one!
yeah xxxx
We've got your back
if you are depresses then you should seek help. also people are going to be mean and you should know this. what I have found on these kinds of accounts is that people will say they are having a horrible day and when people ask what's wrong they won't tell them they just let the nice comments key coming in
I know. I'm not like that. I tell people what's wrong I don't let the nice comments key in. I just want to get better and this is my way.
Always look at the bright side