Collage by -afterglow


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*takes off my shirt as i look at you before unbuckling my pants a bit tilting my head* you know how to give h—d?
*looks down at you as i slowly slide down my boxers leaning against the wall*
*looks down at you as i hold a handful of your hair pushing your head down forcefully*
*watches you as i grind myself against your mouth groaning a bit*
*holds onto your hair groaning loudly as i l—k my lips*
*groans as i finish looking at you grinning a bit*
*clenches my jaw a bit before grabbing your face roughly* go to the bed.
*climbs ontop of you as i open your legs slowly running my fingertips along your entrance gently*
shut up *runs my fingertips along gently before moving my body a bit placing my tip on your cl—t tapping myself against your cl—t gently letting out a gentle grunt*
*slowly slides my tip into your entrance groaning a bit as i force myself in* mm
*groans as i bite my lip a bit keeping my balance as i give deep quick strokes*
*goes harder but in a slow manner as i move my head to the crook of your neck letting out heavy breaths *
mm* goes deeper as i speed up choking you roughly keeping my head on your shoulder*
*groans as i finish pulling out slowly releasing your neck roughly as i look at you* bend over , quick.
*pushes your face down into the pillow , as i spit on your a— letting it run down before slowly sliding myself into your a— biting my lip waiting to see your reaction*
*pushes your head down harder* shut up before i go harder, i know it hurts get it over with *grips onto your a— forcing my whole length in*
*pulls your hair as i press my thumb onto your back simple with the other forcing myself in deeper before going faster*
*lifts your head up slapping you roughly* shut up , nobody told you to talk *pushes you back down going faster*
*pulls your hair roughly* keep screaming and i’m going to give you something to scream about.
*sits up a bit as i groan going deeper and faster*
*goes faster shutting my eyes as i finish* mm f—k
*pulls out slowly as i look at you* uh, i accidentally came in you like twice