I will not hate on u. I just want to know y.


I will not hate on u. I just want to know y.

17 0
not really u got all the other girls
oh ya sorry I have to go talk to him
no go a fûcking head your right I'm married so sorry byeeeeeee
if it's the same as mine they don't have an account they just hack
😭😭😭😭why it was probably aimed at me
sorry I'm pregnant I think I can't deal with stress
so they were saying they were you basically
well I don't know
no... okay the test doesn't work for me bc I was pregnant with husbands kid but I had a miss
ya I'm prob not I just haven't got my period
I guess your the only one on
kinda I have 1 that a lot for me
idk I'm high
I am trust me
idk what the fûck
oh hey sorry Angie's about to climb a fence so
ya she's just drinking and smoking
no Angie is