Collage by Herondale-xxx


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why are you so good at this???😱 it's AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!❤️💛💙💜💚
your very welcome! do you use any other apps to make these?
hey! you on now? for a chat???➰
wow! it's so good! you've read Lady Midnight haven't you?
in this collage, how did you make the background??
it's cooooolllll!
and in your bio: thanks! and I think TMI broke all out hearts!💔
🤗 have you read Lady Midnight??
terribly sad!!😭
read TID or Lady Midnight? I've read both and they're amazing!💙
waiting for it to come out! 3 months! yay!😂
me and SapphireSwirl set reminders and all that!😂
have to goo!!!! talk to you tomorrow!➰
Thanks for including me in your bio! 💕