the picture says it all.


the picture says it all.

25 0
awww you’re back!!
hey I know I don’t really know you but I was on that RP with you (in the city) and I would like to know you better and if there’s anything you need just ask ☺️
I'm so glad to see your okay
You ok?
thank you!’
hi !!! gah there’s so many people i talk to on here, not sure i remember who you are tho?
NP lol
hello I'm brookelyn
hey I’m hosting a games with Mystic _Symphony it’ll be a lot of fun hope you enter (if you want lol)
I hop you are okay you are such a nice person and only deserve the best xxxxx I hope you remember me have been super busy with school and had my phone taken of me for seven months but I'm back for a while so if you need someone to talk to I'm always here xxxx love you xxxx💗
So so so so sorry I haven't texted in like years... like has been c**ppy and full of hospital trips... omgoshhhh I missed you so much!! How are you??
I'll explain tommorrow long story xxxx
Hey I’m glad ur back and I hope we can be friends again because I just logged back on after 5 months of absence😅❤️ so... hi again😆☺️
heyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx
HEYYY I’m back too, hope you stay more time, I think I’m gonna be a little inactive 😂❤️
hey! I’m new and I love your account!