I’m s c a r e d. Plz no hate for my beliefs... this took me like an hr to write. I might take this down......


I’m s c a r e d. Plz no hate for my beliefs... this took me like an hr to write. I might take this down......

21 1
I love this I’m with you
I might take this post down soon
you seem like a cool person
a REALLY cool person
you seem to have some great beliefs and it obviously took courage to post them, so kudos to you!
i love this so much, this is possibly the best lgbtq+ rant i’ve ever read and it’s just amazing. thank you so much for posting this 💕🌈
Agreed with summer-dayz
Its coollll
No its fine you asked😂
Your entitled to your opinions but yeah I definitely agree with summer-dayz
Yes, he loves us, but not everything we do or think. If that wasn't the case, then Christ's sacrifice was INVALID.
God owns everything, I praise the CREATOR, not the CREATION.
umm excuse u
And sorry dude I was showering
mmm but then by that logic it’s straight peoples’ fault for having all the gay babies :) ^^
Your translation might say something different but its the same concept
more ranting lmâö here we go: I’m straight. and Christian. and I very much support LGBTQ+. many other Christian people think differently (sierramist is one) and use verses from the Bible against that belief. I’m not trying to say that those are not real verses in the Bible, because they are. but like...just because they’re in the Bible doesn’t automatically mean they’re true.
there are other verses in the Bible that prohibit lawns in front of our houses, polyester clothes, haircuts etc. but obviously we go against that and get haircuts. so...how are the verses “against” hômosëxualïty any different? I use quotations around “against” because they’re not...EXACTLY against gay people, it’s more that people interpreted them that way. but also if you think about it, God created all of us to be the way we are, and I don’t believe He makes mistakes with that. also, the whole idea of the Christian religion (okay well maybe not all but like a big part of it) is love. Jesus loves all of us, regardless of sëxüal orientation, so yeah. wooooo I’m tired
smh pc wouldn’t let me comment that for a while bc of pRoFoUnD LanGuAgE -_-
hey sorry I think I misunderstood what part of "if a male lays with a male as with a woman, both of them shall have committed an abomination" did I get wrong?
DONT BE SCARED TO SHARE YOUR OPINIONS!!! I do support LBGTQ+. There’s one thing I want your help on though... I was trying to explain some LBGTQ+ stuff to some guys, and I mentioned that LGBTQ+ people did not choose to be “this way”. They said “how?” How do I explain that people don’t choose who they love (<— I said that too, they still didn’t understand)???
also @theotherside in case you were wondering there aren't any verses against lawns in front of houses, exodus 28:6 says that the ephod of the priests should be made of linen and dyed thread which would have been made of wool, 1 Corinthians 11:13-15 says that if a man wears his hair long it is a disgrace and ezekiel 44:20 says that they shall surely trim the hair of their heads along with other verses. what exactly was it that you were saying about us interpreting verses wrong?
okay, thanks! and it didn’t sound like you didn’t believe in equality.
you know what the sad truth it that there a lot of people that are on earth that are going to hèll. about the whole different versions of the Bible thing, they all say the same things but they use different words to say these things so it will be easier for people to understand and learn from it. another question how can you trust God if you don't believe the word of God?
well Moses wrote Genesis as well as a few other books but he wasn't there for everything that took place in those books. so who was it that spoke through Moses to write the story of creation? last time I checked there weren't a whole ton of people around when God created everything so how did he know how many days it was or the order in which he created everything? did Moses just make it up in his free time or what?
I already know my answer to it :) just a little tip for you in life, if you don't try to learn from different experiences and understand other peoples perspective and don't take the time to give a cràp then other people probably won't about you either and you will miss out on a lot of chances to grow
I'll be praying for you :)
thanks dude
hey I tagged you in @daisywrites #loveyourself project!
i think....the bible is a complicated thing, and different people put different amounts of trust into it. people will interpret bible verses different than we do, and that’s okay. i think that christianity/lgbtq stuff is a fragile topic for most people, and i’ve learned through experience that what i say, even though it is what i strongly believe in, isn’t going to change the opinions of others. so like, just don’t let all the comments (both agreeing and disagreeing w u) change the way you feel 💕
Thx for the nice comment ❤️
I totally agree with you. ❤️
Girl yes good for you for getting this out. I have a lot of people around me in my family that are apart of the LGBTQ+ community including myself and I am proud and don’t give a fxck who knows sorry for my language but true. It means a lot you took the time to write this