1!1! Tap for how I deal with my blood noses1!1!1
So I’ve been getting blood noses since aug/sep so I have become a POKÉMON MASTER *flips cat back* nah but anyway I deal with it like bam got a freshhhh box of tissues and 2L of water by my bed in a tiny con


1!1! Tap for how I deal with my blood noses1!1!1 So I’ve been getting blood noses since aug/sep so I have become a POKÉMON MASTER *flips cat back* nah but anyway I deal with it like bam got a freshhhh box of tissues and 2L of water by my bed in a tiny con

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1!1! Tap for how I deal with my blood noses1!1!1 So I’ve been getting blood noses since aug/sep so I have become a POKÉMON MASTER *flips cat back* nah but anyway I deal with it like bam got a freshhhh box of tissues and 2L of water by my bed in a tiny container but anyway everyone know the reason I get so many blood noses is because of the fan fiction I read ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but srsly I would tell a doctor but it’s probs just the heat cause Australia ya know but anyway I normally take a shower but I can’t at night cause the neighbours say “No OnE iN tHiS STreeT wAnts To HeaR yOuR MuSic AT 12 Am So StOp” but anyway don’t trust me kiddos trust your local health care professionals but anyway frens, the fan fiction wont read itself byeee
(cause it didn’t all go through)
Australia? Cool, bro.
i’ve never had a bloody nose in my life
omg I hope things turned out okay for you XD