Corn dog rollercoaster


Corn dog rollercoaster

15 0
how to even begin
first of all, this girl cries
ABOUT EVERYTHING like I get it, everyone cries, I do to, but if someone doesn't give you a pencil that doesn't mean you stART CRYING TF??
a real grade a crybaby if you ask me
now this isn't much of a story just something that happened to this chick
we were at sixth grade camp and there was this big tall ramp but it's a log so like a log walk
you walk on the log you jump off a rope catches you no big deal
now, it's reasonable to be afraid, people are afraid of heights
but this girl, this frickin girl
the counselor literally said we were doing that today, and sHE STARTS CRYING
JUST BAWLING HER EYES OUT it took like nine solid minutes to calm her down
"no Lauren u don't HAVE to go on it" "ur a brave girl Lauren" "you did good"
miss me with that brave shït i walked foreword and backward on that bïtch not even a "cool"
I hated her so much
this was stupid goodbye