Collage by brokenlorengrey


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I was sexually assaulted
just know
by who
my ex boyfriend
what’s his name and what does he look like
I want to crawl in a hole and die
babe you don’t want to xxxx
I do
just send me a picture of him and he will be delt with
babe as soon as you come to me you don’t need to leave you can stay with me all the time
it’s up to you babe xxx
smiles back babe xxxxx
I touch my stomach
what’s wrong babe xxx
my stomach
what did he do to you babe xx
I show you
I say he will pay for this babe xxxxxx
just saying he will pay
it’s just wearing all black
and me paying him a visit
it’s okay babd
are you sure babe xxxx
yes babe in pregnan
by him
you going to keep the baby babe xxxxx
yes babe
does this mean you are going to leave me
I’m not going to leave you
do you want me to be the baby’s father babe xxx
yes bae
you going to come over next month then xxxxx
you going to get the plane ticket then babe
get the plane to John Lennon Airport
and then tell me what date for and I will wait for you to come in
I’ll bbu
ok babe xxxx
babe can I ask you something
yes what’s up babe xxxxx
you wanted ask me something
babe I love you
I love you too wifey xxxx
my BFF said ur cheating on me
I’m not it’s because they probably want to date me
ur mine
I love you and no one else babe xxxxx
ur mine I’m urs
and when you come over next month I will make it official babe
yes babe
so basically the sooner you come over the better
so when are you coming over
5 month
why 5
I need 2
so you going to to come next year babe xxx
the start of next year
i have to go now babe xxxx
noooo 😢😢😭😭
it’s two o’clock in the morning babe xxxxx
I’ll stay here for you babe xxxxx
I love you babe xxxxx
I love u 2 pouts
I blush xxxx
if u want to go go to bed u can looks down
if you give me your Instagram we can call xxxx
rain check
please bbe
what do you want me to do babe
u know
rail you
babe why don’t you give me you Instagram and then we can call babe
can I go to bed now please because I’m not feeling well babe
yes babe looks down
are you sure babe xxxxx
yes looks down
just give me your Instagram so I can call you babe
I’m being naughty right now
what are you doing
huxp my pillow
why don’t you come over sooner then so I can rail you babe