3 is maximum numbers u can pick


3 is maximum numbers u can pick

1 2
I like all movies
don't no my zodiac sign
what makes me happy is being with my dogs
I'm a Leo
any other numbers
what day were u born?
I am a Leo Freind that all I know
I can see what ur zodiac sign is if ya want
any other of the numbers u want to know
any other numbers u want me to answer
future goals are to be a cook on food network
oh cool! I want to be an author
for all I care u can choose 1 or 50
I can answer all of them so pick any number
eh I'm not big on personal questions......
so 36
k I'll try get another one
gtg to bed srry it's 1:48 here, night!
and 36 oh that be my dog that died