So... I'm bored XD


So... I'm bored XD

20 2
Hello there, you seem pretty cool...and weird(in a good way :) like me 😂)
well I think we both like MCR
I don't really care, but if perfer if it was from the Black Parade Album..because I know there are lots of good pngs we can use.
I don't there a particular lyric you really like?
"I don't love you like I did yesterday" I like that one the best...
yeah, sure! Then I'll remix it and see if you like it, and if not I can fix it.
any specific colors?
I tried to remix it but it kept saying "sharing fail" so I'll try again in a little bit :)
I'll leave some space you'll have to crop...but that's so we don't have the watermark on it
just crop off the blue part :) But I can change it if you don't like the collage
Okay, great!