This probably doesn't make sense comment below your opinion and we can have a little debate about it if you like


This probably doesn't make sense comment below your opinion and we can have a little debate about it if you like

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I really don't know how to respond so I'll wait for someone else
I self harm but I don't do it for attention
that isn't what I'm saying with this not everyone does it for attention most do it to direct there pain at themselves instead of others. what I'm saying with this is people who fake depression and self harm so people feel sympathy for them are making the idea of self harm into a non serious thing when it is in reality pretty serious. if you do self harm please talk to someone and try to get help because it didn't just harm you it hurts people around you.
yeah my boyfriend just broke up with me yesterday and our 1 month anniversary was next week and valentines is coming up
and I'm a gay 16 year old emo boy
I understand what you mean with they just want support which is true and that's great that they are reaching our for help but this is more aimed at people who fake and say they are going to kill themselves everyday until it gets to a point where people stop believing he. and what if someone actually is going to kill themselves and tries reaching out but people think they're lying ?
@bringmethesleepingsirens im sorry you have to deal with that around valentines but stay strong there are people who love you and care for you ❤️
well we can't stop them if they're lying.
I know it's just frustrating
I agree with you so much on this rant!
True. but this Amy cause drama..
PREACH. I know so many people like this and one of them have actually told me its for attention. It makes me cringe, how someone would do something like that just for attention or to cause drama:/
I agree, so many people use the internet to try to stop it but the internet isn't really there for them
Preach it! I agree 100%. And please post more rants this was really good!
I love this so much
so true I hate fake complaints
my god. there are so many people who do this, it's making the guys who really have mental issues look bad. someone needed to say this. the Internet doesn't give a fūq about you. we don't know you. people are so selfish these days. look at humanity! WE SUCK!!
some people when they do that they show pictures. before I never knew people self-harmed but now that I know what it is every time I go through a hard time I think about.
Why Do You Have Such A Bad Name That's Horrible Name I Mean B***** Really!
I agree on what your saying