Going to pick out 5 people. If a blank is drawn out the next name gets a shoutout and a spam of likes. If my username is drawn out everyone gets a shoutout and a spam of likes xxx


Going to pick out 5 people. If a blank is drawn out the next name gets a shoutout and a spam of likes. If my username is drawn out everyone gets a shoutout and a spam of likes xxx

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hiya I am kittens1010 boyfriend I see you have heard the news
breast cancer they are still searching for a proper type
oh ok, I have cancer aswell
mine is currently at a steady stage it's getting worst tho, almost stage 4
acute lymphoblastic Lukemia
oh dear is it kittie has fallen asleep again this is my new acc as my other got hacked already she is on stage 3
If you've just found out that she has it how can it be on stage 3 already.
omg do you have cancer how old are you?