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hii sorry I haven’t got a pretty collage, been super busy recently. anyway, here is a playlist instead, please feel free to give me some recs I’m always open to listening to new songs :) have a great day everyone
aw thank you!!
OOOH I love enemy by imagine dragons
Hayloft II is also pretty good, I've heard a glimpse of it but Ive only listened to the first one
Have you listened to Friends by Chase Atlantic? It's my new obsession lol
thank you! ❤️
I love the one by imagine dragons
and the layout of sooo aesthetic♥️ I love it
thank you so much!
I really like the layout, Brianna
I'll have to try and listen to some of these songs
I will!😊
thank you!!
You listen to lovejoy too? I love the fall!!
Also enemy and bones are bangers