I'M BACK !!! omg y'all so much has changed .. I've miss all of y'all . how have you all been ??


I'M BACK !!! omg y'all so much has changed .. I've miss all of y'all . how have you all been ??

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omg hi!!!!
do u still ride?
at the moment I'm trying to find a place to ride
ok, I'm still riding and I have my confidence back! last week I started doing the cross country
omg lol so today I was trotting Jack around the arena, my mum walked down to the cross country course and he got a fright then I slipped off him and the saddle nearly fell off XD
omg!! are u ok😅😅
yeah I'm ok lol we did a cross country jump and it was really good since Jack isn't much of a jumping pony
that's awesome!!!
so how has ur riding been going sorry I felt bad just talking about myself
don't feel bad I'm so happy for you!! it's a great feeling to be confident in your riding. I haven't been riding lately. there really aren't any good places here:(( but hopefully I can find a decent place sometime soon
I hope u do find somewhere to ride :)
thank you😊
tomorrow I'm trying out a new horse called Mini :)