🫢-21β€’04β€’2024-🫢 [TAP]
#blog 5: heyy there, i'm so sorry about the inactivity on this account, school has been very overhelming lately.. anyways i hope you had a great weekend !! qotd: fav movie ??πŸ’•


🫢-21β€’04β€’2024-🫢 [TAP] #blog 5: heyy there, i'm so sorry about the inactivity on this account, school has been very overhelming lately.. anyways i hope you had a great weekend !! qotd: fav movie ??πŸ’•

21 2
okay these are way more than five movies haha πŸ˜­πŸ«ΆπŸ’˜
i love your blogs!! you make me want to make my own blog account
your blogs are always so beautiful!!
my top five movies are alice in wonderland, m@mma mia, coraline, heathers, and the house bunny!
& btw I'm so sorry that it looks so messy :/
Have fun with your friend!! All those movies you listed are so good :)
My top 5 hmmm... probably the greatest showman, fantastic beasts, m@mma mia, and like a loootttt of old romcoms haha
all those movies are so good!! never watched Star Wars tho
Chloe I have a question
When is your birthday?
haha ya maybe I should! never understood why it goes 456 then 123 tho lol