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oh awesome☺️I go to Sydney a lot. U have to go to Luna Park!
lol I sound like a little kid when I say that but it's full of the best rides ever
Babe! Sorry I wasn't on! I was really busy with school! I'm so sorry! I love you❤️
I'm so tired. I fainted in class today and I have pains in my chest (real life btw) there doing scans on me today😭
I'm so scared. if I don't make it I love you🌹❤️☀️You are my sunshine, my everything. I am the Earth and you are the Sun without you I could not live❤️
I'm in the hospital. I had chemo. I look ugly asf. They tried to get rid of it but it's there it's Stage 4. I'm not gonna make it. 5% to live. if there was a miracle it would save me but we just have to wait it out.😭💔