NOOO SHE LEFT!😱😰😭😭😭I scared her off didn't I?


NOOO SHE LEFT!😱😰😭😭😭I scared her off didn't I?

13 0
No the other account wasn't working and maybe....
Wait, no that was her exboyfriend who is my brother
yep. The last time I logged out, it wouldn't let me back in
Noooo...Liam did. He just uses my account cuz I stole his...
He offered it
No my account. Lily kisses him and he kissed back. I was like, "Dude, you broke up with her...?wtfjj is wrong with you?"
My god... Lily was in shock and then told Ashley. Ashley was shocked too. I was the most though...
Drama sucks...I just...ugh.
Well you said scale of 1-10. 11 was made to be higher than 10
yeah 😂👍🏻
Hi Evan hru you haven't been talking to me lately 😔