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answer in comments or remixes 🎬 tell me what YOU think?

102 5
6 no but I think for the bad people who do really bad things yes
@6 well I think THERE should be pain/suffering. life isn't completed with pain, and pain is a feeling you can feel that not all can feel. if everyone feels at least pain once sometimes then it'll help them mature. if pain isn't real then happiness isn't real. to get to happiness, you have to experience pain to get to joy.
5. Not always. Not all rules are good, not all rules are ones that we should follow.
1. I believe that, in most situation, drugs should not be used to manipulate anyone. However, in violent situations, sometimes it becomes necessary to protect others.
2. As a government is supposed to help and support its people, anything major should be shared with the people. In some situations, when it's something small, the necessity diminishes, but the people should always have a right to know what their government is up to.
for one, just clarifying: that is my opinion under nonconsensual circumstances. if it's a medical diagnoses, then I amend my answer. if it is to help a person, and they choose to use them of their own free will, then they can help rather than harm.
3. Only if people strive to change what's wrong today.
@5 agreed. if it's rules that you never agreed on or talked about (in a government for example) then it's not necessary to follow rules
@1 (Reader) agreed. (ex.bipolar) those people need some kind of help during their panic attacks or outbursts and in that case, drugs are necessary. (like pills)
4. No. Pride is just appreciating yourself, and having pride in your culture is a magnificent thing. What leads to racism is misunderstanding and fear–if someone is proud of their culture, then that's a magnificent thing. However, if that leads to blindness in relativity to others, then the person should try to understand other culture before judging.
*wonderful, not magnificent
@4 (Reader) I agree, but too much pride in a culture may be a bad thing. if you have a culture, and you think it's superior to others, then it may lead to problems sooner or later
5. No–rules are not always right. There can be corrupt legislation, just like there can be corrupt legislators. You should always do what is right, even if it's not necessarily within the rules.
1. sure. if it's absolutely necessaryπŸ˜‰
@5 (Reader) wow everything you say somehow fits perfectly in what I'm trying to say
@1 (KayBre) agreed.
2. people should listen to the government because they are there to help us.
3. it depends on what this generation decides to do with the world.
no. bad attitude leads to racism. like I can be proud of my grades without making fun of others with worse grades
6. Well, I'm not sure on this one. firstly, there's no way we could stop pain and suffering, no matter what we do it will continue. Even if we could, pain and suffering can make better and kinder people. On the other hand, it twists some. Overall, this is one that I'm not quite solid on.
5. it's okay to bend the rules from time to time. life wouldn't be interesting if everyone did everything they are told. just as long as no one gets hurtπŸ˜‡
6. only for the people who deserve itπŸ˜‰
RE: 4– I wrote a huge thing but it got deleted. Basically: I agree with egotistical pride, but some pride doesn't have that effect and can be good for multiple sides.
also sorry that the writing in my responses isn't that great but it's hard to type in PC comments XD
@4 RE RE REPLY- yep. I agree with you on that one.
6. Pain and suffering always make us stronger in the end and I know this from personal experience. Without it, life would be boring, nobody would have any real good qualities because you would never know their true personality once they go through bad times.. It's the bad times that show us our true selfs
5. Should you always follow the rules? Rules may or may not be meant for following. When rules are right, just, and fair, they are made for following. When rules are unjust, uncomfortable, and unfair, it is alright to follow the rules in your own perspective. Do not encourage yourself to follow the rules if they are like that.
number six: yes, there should. without it, life would be too easy and it would be pointless. and nobody would die, because death is a form of suffering.
3) so in the bible it shows that the Israelites kept on turning away from God but in the end they listened to him. so I believe the world will get better but then it will get worse and on and one in a circle.
5. Rules should have a good purpose. If they don't, if the purpose is ethically wrong, or if there's no possibility of you causing whatever the rule is trying to prevent, then go ahead. A good man abides not just by law, but conscience. If there's a rule against giving to the homeless, ignore it.
rules are there cos there is rule breakers and people who don't break rules πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ€“πŸ˜€πŸ€“πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ€“πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ€“πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
it's number 1