Hello there! I'm new here, so I really don't know my way around with this app, though I have done editing and collating before. 
Fandoms: Homestuck, Undertale, Steven Universe

Cindy H Nguyen

Hello there! I'm new here, so I really don't know my way around with this app, though I have done editing and collating before. Fandoms: Homestuck, Undertale, Steven Universe

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I'm so sorry I wasn't able to reply to your message last night! I had a busy day and fell asleep as soon as I got home😂 I hope you have a good day and i'll be available tomorrow anytime after 9pm :)
Hi! Yeah sorry I set my account to privet so that anybody needing to talk would go to a different listener and not waiting for me to reply:)
oh ok
Yes I did! Thank you!