I guess it’s a theme going on now😂do you like mint-chocolate-chip icecream?🍦I don’t but solely because I don’t like chocolate😅😪


I guess it’s a theme going on now😂do you like mint-chocolate-chip icecream?🍦I don’t but solely because I don’t like chocolate😅😪

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ooh, this is really nice!! the colour is really nice and soothing to look at :0 also this theme is really cool, I’d love to see more with different colours! @caption I lOve mint-chocolate icecream but I do think it would taste nicer without the chocolate chips,,
no that was super helpful! TYSM! I’ll try to see if I can implement that!!
I think that i will try to get everything done Saturday if possible
haha I love mint chocolate ice cream though- you’re missing out 😤😂💕
thank you❤️ I hope you’re doing good💕
re//: aw, ty, and nonono, don’t worry, I don’t think you ever have! it’s just people are reading my replies to others, and are replying to them. it’s just annoying me, and unnerving me, since I talk about personal things a lot aa