haha I hate them


haha I hate them

6 0
that mean
I don't care what you think of them, frankly no one does.
Stop following me. I don't even want to be associated with such pitiful amateurs.
If you weren't here tomorrow that would make my day.
If you were dead, I would have a celebration!
we would be happy if u got rid of this shītty account
...why are you such a horrible person?
what is the point? what is the actual fùćkíńg point. what's your ulterior motive? what are you gaining out of this? it's pathetic
stop following me
stop being so mean to her... what did she do to you?
stop following me right now.
stop being so mean....
I would care,everyone would,but exept you coz your a senseless and worthless person
not true
why are you trolling @TheEmoChild? is it because your jealous? you have a lot of followers, but I don't know how you get them. I'm pretty sure everyone on here has awesome sides to them. maybe you don't like @TheEmoChild, but that gives you no right to hate on them. they'd just a normal person. your wanting to hurt them only brings pain to you. and if it does hurt them, would you feel very good about yourself know that you hurt someone else while trying to fix your own problems?
FÙÇK YOU! this is my friend you are talking about and I don't appreciate it! if u were smart enough (u probably aren't) u would back the f*** up right now! mkay? OKAY! have a nice day ☺️😒🙄
you know what, we would be happy if you killed yourself!!
Who is "we"? Your invisible non-existent friend? You know, if you weren't so cotton-headed you would have had a lot more "friends".
you idiot. get a gosh darn life I