Xoxo,Kenzie πŸ’‹


Xoxo,Kenzie πŸ’‹

192 8
hey Kenzie
πŸ˜”πŸ˜”can u plz answer me!!!
kenz, I can't find them. is the user mackz_13
Could you follow me kenzie
it is me! sorry u changed my name and I'm just really sorry
plz forgive me Mackenzie
idk but officialkenzieziegler is so follow her
can u be my friend everyone is mad at me and I feel so bad
Kenzie I can't seem to find them...hmmmmπŸ˜‘πŸ˜”
it's me
I'm selfish
be my friend plz
I knew it seemed weird
plz follow me
I'm sorry ok! I am not famous, popular, all I am is a fake! so plz leave me alone
Mackenzie Ziegler if your there say something I'm very sorry. plz you are my favorite person on any of the shows I watch and I feel you don't like me so if you don't plz tell me. my favorite song is girl party and you did so great in Nicky, Ricky, dicky, and dawn and please forgive me. plz
it's terrible when people hate on such awesome people such as you and your friends and family. it's not right that people fake and I totally support u!!!!😊😊😊😊☺️
oh it's fine it's just that I don't like people that fake me, I bet you're a great person in real life and never give up on you're dreams πŸ˜ŠπŸ’œ @CELL11
I hate fakers it's so annoying
cel11 why would she hate u ?
lol she changed her username
ya she confessed she was fake @2tumblr-girls
she went on private and confessed πŸ˜…πŸ˜±
hey Kenzie you said we can chat so remix on my page
I knew she was
but the real mackenzie zigler would have a blue Cheak near her name
aww! thx can you follow me if I make a new account