ranting in the comments


ranting in the comments

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I hate homeschool
Not just for the fact that I have only one friend who lives anywhere near me and I don't think he even really likes me, but also because I feel so stupid
Nothing against my mom, but when she first started out teaching all of us, she didn't know what she was doing pretty sure cause I don't remember anything education wise from 3-7th grade
And I hate listening to other kids my age talk and just,, everyone I know is so smart, and they're all smarter than me by SO MUCH
My school year has just started, except I have no work because I didn't finish my work from last year (cause I'm a lazy rat) and I just... I dunno
I'm not ready for college, which I should be going to in about,,,, a year or two. But how am I supposed to do college when I can't understand ANYTHING and I can't write and essay for cr*p cause I never have
Thinking about this makes me want to cry
I'm not ready for college, I'm not ready for life, and I hate it
I haven't wanted to disappear this badly in such a long time
My motivation is absolutely dead, to the point where I barely feel like doing art or even anything
If I could just go into college without having to do that year or two of like, math, English, science and whatever else they have you do, then it'd be fine. If I could just go straight into what I'm majoring in, then It might be fine, but I can't. Why why why why why do they make you study all that cr*p that has nothing to do with what I'm majoring
College isn't required, first of all, and anyone who makes you feel like you can only be a worthy part of society if you have a college degree is wrong
Second of all, there are so many different kinds of intelligence. There may be things your friends talk about that you don't understand, but you're smart and talented, too
Just try to be patient with yourself. You're still learning and growing. You're young and your life is just starting. You will find your place, just try to breathe ❤️
^^^ couldn’t have said it better myself!!! if you would like to do college then you can always start an online program and try out one class. I’m at Snhu online, I really like it. you can do it at your own pace. there’s not a lot of the anxiety that’s in community college with online. but do whatever makes you happy, that’s just a suggestion for if it’s something you’d like to do, there’s always easing into it!! ❤️💕
re// aH YES you got the games i play from falsettos and the lyrics is “it’s a song that i’ve been waiting to hear for much too long. yeeeears yeeEEARS TOO LONGGG” that’s my favorite part of the song oml