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ha lol sorry idk why I said that but I think
I went through a similar thing
ha... lol not good wby?
omg I hate when I do that!!! who!!?
I've done that but I called the person and it was my ex cos I had him on speed dialπŸ˜‚
I felt really dumbπŸ˜‚
lol but not inly did he answer I had to talk to him
and I just stuttered lol
on what?
when you called your friend on Skype?
that means he/she answered why?
is that good or bad?
lol good or badπŸ˜±πŸ˜‚
you're welcomeπŸ‘ŒπŸ½
hahaha I do that all the time πŸ˜‚
was it someone you didn't want to talk to like a certain guy/girl?
will they call you back?
on pc????
is it an ex?
😱 that's not good!!!
lol do y'all go to school together?
yes you? wait how old r u
I'm coming there with my sister when we turn 18
must be nice
it's an American thing πŸ˜‚junk
*just kidding
yep wait how old r u
did he call back?
my best friend is moving schools
and I literally wouldn't believe if it weren't for her
she came over to my house one day and found me passed out and laying in a pool of blood
with a suicide note, for a while I hated her but she was the one who was there for me 24/7
you probably don't care sorry πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
it's fine and idek I've been going g through a lot. my mom
abandoned me when I was seven and the came back into my life and messed it all up then I almost got pregnant recently
o my god your life sounds crazy how old r u
I'm 14 lol and it is
yes but not then... it was more of blackmail