You are my nigga 😉💕
  👌You mad 😡I'm mad
   🙊You hurt 😥I'm hurt
    💪You fight 👊I fight
    😱You jump off a bridge ......
I'm going to 😂 laugh at your dumb ass 👌 
Then I'm going to run to the bottom and catch you 👌👌
Because you my nigga 
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You are my nigga 😉💕 👌You mad 😡I'm mad 🙊You hurt 😥I'm hurt 💪You fight 👊I fight 😱You jump off a bridge ...... I'm going to 😂 laugh at your dumb ass 👌 Then I'm going to run to the bottom and catch you 👌👌 Because you my nigga Send this to 10

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