Lookie there, I’m to lazy to make real content, so have a wonderful shît-post!1!1!1!11!!1!1!


Lookie there, I’m to lazy to make real content, so have a wonderful shît-post!1!1!1!11!!1!1!

36 0
ah ty
bookshops always lack a lot. I sometimes buy stuff online
Tysm.. I’m only still friends with my irl friends because they’re the only people in my school and classes who don’t bully me and when they make jokes about me I can’t do anything but laugh because I’m scared they’ll hàte me and bully me too now that my best friend has left..
re// Narwhal was eating a Mexican Taco Lunchable😂 We thought it was some sort of meat or something😂😂
Lololololol meh tooo
i have the whole cosplay but it's like 400 degrees in my house and outside
this post is literally me
This is actually me. I love this.
aND ew that sounds awful it's just hot here because winter was intense and freezing
oh shīt i used to live in Florida but now im in Pennsylvania which i guess is mountainous. we got the Appalachians so,,,,anyways it's kinda crāppy here tbh. at least where im at. i live in a sketchy area lol
what time is it where you’re at? because if it’s around my time zone, I’ll personally fight you to sleep
I sometimes stutter a lot but I usually don’t hear what anyone says so I agree to things I don’t want to agree with. I also mess up words a lot and get them confused so everyone in my class makes fun of me about it if I do it at school. And that’s the same problem I have. I had one understanding irl friend but she left school now which is super depressing (it’s a long story but I don’t mind explaining if you wanna hear it) so I don’t really have anyone to go to..
sorry that was so long ^^”
how do you kick someone’s asś into good decisions? asking for a friend
a little asshàt won’t fall asleep, they know who they are
nah i understand like some parts of pa are pretty cool but my area of town is just not so hot.
oh nice awesome wow that's fantastic
I'm like 99.9% sure one of my neighbors is a drug dealer.
eugh he sounds gross
i don’t have a thousand dollars
holy shīt
so true tho...
yep ur perfect