Notice Meh
I am actually pretty proud of this one?
I swear to you guys, I love this song...
way too much.
ALSO! The 27th is a very special day for me!
I honestly can't wait. One year is coming up guys!!!


Notice Meh I am actually pretty proud of this one? I swear to you guys, I love this song... way too much. ALSO! The 27th is a very special day for me! I honestly can't wait. One year is coming up guys!!!

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i don't know why, but I kept thinking about you today ^.^ beautiful collage (>^•^)>
^ same with her here!! amazing edit!!
re//: aww thank you -hugs-
you're welcome!!
this is amazing you've improved on your editing style and skills so much!
hehe why r chu blushing -hugs-
re//: don't worry it's not creepy ^.^ and the reason why chu make me smile is because you're always so nice to me and say nice things to me, thank you for that -hugs-
hmmm, I think Mari is perfect! Mari is part of my whole name actually (>^•^)>
re// Thank you! I am really glad to have a friend like you, you've always been kind to me and you are awesome at everything you do, thanks, that really made my day ✨
-re// Aww, thank you
this is beautiful. keep up the good work Midnight~!
re// aww thank you sweetheart! ❤ //oh that's weird. maybe you should try deleting the app and reinstalling it? I don't know if that will work, but that's the only solution I can think of.//
eyyyy have a cookie