🐼Clickety Click🐼

Anime: Tokyo Ghoul

Character: Juuzou Suzuya

Does anyone else just love crazy anime characters? I don't know why, but I just love them and their weird personality 😅.


🐼Clickety Click🐼 Anime: Tokyo Ghoul Character: Juuzou Suzuya Does anyone else just love crazy anime characters? I don't know why, but I just love them and their weird personality 😅.

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Oh Juuzou~ You adorable maniac (*^O^*) Can't wait for more fantastic edits!
@BakiYumi Ik, isn't Juuzo just adorable (≧∇≦)! Thank you so much for the compliment! Can't wait till your finals are over so I can see your collages! 💕
this is so kawaii!!💯💖
@Bean-chan Aww, thanks so much! (⌒-⌒; )
o(^▽^)o YASSS~ Let's all take a moment and hug your computer screen~ Of course! You're collages look like pure magic X3 It's magnificent! Hehe, thank you so much (*^^*) I'm honored to have you look through my collages ^^
@BakiYumi *blushes* I really don't have any words to say besides thank you. I always thought your collages were really unique because I haven't seen anyone do the style you use. The effects that are in the collages are really cool, and just intriguing to me! I'm also honored that you look through my collages (note: I don't mean to leave anyone out when I say this, I know the people who are active on my page and take the time to like/comment on my collages. I'm really grateful for that! (⌒-⌒;) )
Same here~ ( ^ω^ ) I'm always amazed how you can create such charming edits. It's always dazzling and just enticing! I'm grateful that I was able to discover your account. You inspire me! I hope that we can be friends Panda-san ^^ Maybe one day I could make more alluring collages just like you! After my finals, I will definitely make a collage deducted to you~
I have to say the same to you! I'm really glad that I also saw your account! Also, I definitely want to be friends ^ - ^. Maybe I can also call you a nickname, too (if you're ok with that). • You've already succeeded in making alluring collages! You have your own inner collages that not a lot of people see everyday! • You don't have to make a collage about me, I'm already happy that you take your time just to comment and like my collages!