Hi, it's Philip here! My girlfriend ( ophelia- ) and I are expecting twins. We want them to have a big brother or sister. If you need to be adopted and are fine with having a little sister and a little brother, please remix me or my girlfriend, Ophelia ๐Ÿ’ž


Hi, it's Philip here! My girlfriend ( ophelia- ) and I are expecting twins. We want them to have a big brother or sister. If you need to be adopted and are fine with having a little sister and a little brother, please remix me or my girlfriend, Ophelia ๐Ÿ’ž

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look.. i'm sorry. i don't think i'm ready for kids, or a relationship. i'm only 15. if you want, when i have them, you can have them...
i'm breaking up w you
w-what? fine. yes I want the children. just give them to me when you have them.
you aren't just going to fully take them away. i was drunk when i sent that. i want them during the week, you can have them on the weekends.
and dont even say that i was the one saying "no cรธndรธm" because i said i didnt care, you said no to it.
I don't want them for two days a week! I want to see them more than that. I'd rather have them every other week
fine. but if i need them on other holidays then we can compromise on that.
of course.