School 😫 look bad but love this gal so much😻


School 😫 look bad but love this gal so much😻

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hey can I explain?
I'm not fake 😓I can't believe you think that of me..
But ummm... the latest 2 pics where I'm sorry
It's just... when I was littler 😖 I don't wanna talk about it. I guess I dunno why I used them 2 photos, I've deleted them
Look I'm not drowning your ears through with self pity. What I did was wrong Yep I admit and I tampered with your life but I'm not fake...
everything I said about me.. it's true I swear 😞I'm not fighting anymore ... You can say it and we can just be friends? whatever is cool..
and the rest of them are someone called David he's a tumblr boy and it's definitely not you
Yeh but the profile picture is... I don't want to talk about why I faked though...
I had a shi* childhood... My parents CONSTANTLY bringing me down... saying I'm not good enough.. I believed em, thought I was like shi* living... so I wasn't
comfortable with who I were.. Im just weary ... scared that 99% of you guys will be like my parents 😔
That's why I hardly see em and they r in Australia, they gave me the money cos they felt guilty once I found out... I'm 19 now.. I found out at 16 about it all
But I've picked myself up... Everything I said is true... and my pp is me...
whatever your a fake
No I'm not though Ellie 😓 Ellie please I'm not
please!!!!!! IM NOT A FAKE
yes you are