Sooo Tired


Sooo Tired

20 0
I'm watching how the grinch stole Christmas with my mom
it's the Jim carrey version
show me
tell em to shove it
of course
we're friends do you think I would've roasted you like that if we weren't
no I actually am (216 pounds) but I don't mind. it's not like being fat is a bad thing
nah man I would've just ignored it
and you're one of my besties( I have like 3)
how did they react
oh god
what happened
oh 💩....
go on...
sounds like me lol
^ I'm talking about the eating part
okay just try to persevere through it ( god I sound like a greeting card)
what can i do to help
: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I wish I was next door to you
move to my hometown it's better than Indiana
I live in Kansas ... but I mean it's close to Missouri
I thought you lived in Missouri, bc that was our old meet up xD
Kansas is fine with me too!
but ghastly( is it okay if I call you that) I'm going to teach you how to roast
if you can't use physical violence then use your words 👊✍
you can tell me anything
ooh good you're halfway there
use your anger to your advantage
take it all out on those bullies and not yourself
1. you must use your enemies weaknesses to your advantage and remember every strength can become a flaw
2. be dignified. yes you can still swear, but make sure you time it correctly
ah, well, hallo again!
3. don't show any pity
4. go after things they're self conscious about
practice on me