I drew this! 
Ahhhhhhh! I’m freaking out, I got into the talent show and it’s in like a month!!!! Btw I have huge stage fright


Tap! I drew this! Ahhhhhhh! I’m freaking out, I got into the talent show and it’s in like a month!!!! Btw I have huge stage fright

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cool beans! good luck! I'll be praying for you!
aww this is so cute!
good luck!!
Don't worry about stage fright. Imagine all your PC friends in front of you, cheering you on🔥❤️
will you please finish your part on my mega collab?
Don't freak out! you'll do great!
You will do great!
Just pretend the people you love are the only ones in the crowd.Ig really helps with stage fright
it not ig
Don't worry, you're super awesome, and I know you'll do well!
I'm sure you will do AMaZING! 😘💖
god luck! you have incredible drawing skills, love the hedgehog ❤️
dw you’ll do AMAZING! let me know how it goes ❤️