✨From "My Love is a Weapon" by Skrux ft. Delancy! This quote really struck me from this song✨


✨From "My Love is a Weapon" by Skrux ft. Delancy! This quote really struck me from this song✨

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pretty!! 😊💕
it seems like a lot but it's not really, Flexibility classes are 45 minutes, Rehearsal is typically around an hour and a half to 2 hours. Technique is an hour, technique and strength is 1 hour. Recovery classes are 30 minutes, and pre pointe is an hour. so all together it's only 5 and a half to 6 hours a week, I'm hoping to become a professional and work for a company so I'll be dancing 8+ hours a day then😊 I always forget how crazy it sounds though😂
np! 😊💕🍁🍂
so today at school(more like a few minutes ago) my teacher's talking about 1st person, 2nd person etc. and he's "2nd person is rarely used" and I'm like "unless it's for fan fiction" in my head. then he's like,"2nd person is like tutorials, rules..." and I'm like,"It's so much more" of course in my head. and he keeps droning on about how 2nd person is used, and I'm like *screaming internally* *facepalms internally* *mentally slams head on table* oh, if only he knew.... but then I guess he wouldn't read fanfiction. but like, 2nd and 3rd person is most of what I read. 😂🙄💕
haha, thank you so much 😊🙈💕 your comment made me feel so much better. I'm sorry if I made you worry. 💕