Collage by a-girl-thats-broken


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Roxy pls talk to me
I can’t
u can
I probably know what you’re feeling more than anyone on pc
I won’t judge u
I just need u to talk to me
and I know how hard it is
I know how hard it is to let people in
but I’m proof of what happens when you bottle tnjj in nags up
I don’t want you to be sad
and I don’t know the whole story or what happened
but I’ll be your best friend forever and ever no matter what
u just need to talk to me
and I don’t want what happened to me to happen to you 😭
I don’t want you to cut
I don’t want you to have a broken heart
I don’t want you to be depressed
and I know me saying that doesn’t help
but I want to help you 😭
roxy just misses Zachary 😭😭
and I don’t have the words to make you feel better
but I have me
and me can be your friend
and me can give u a hug
and me can listen to you rant
I can’t do much but I can listen but I can’t listen unless u talk to me