Request #12


Request #12

13 0
I don't really understand what you mean with "how you have to buy every chapter of the manga"
I've read some mangas and I would have to buy every single chapter
Really tf I just buy the whole book lol
where I live that's not possible
all the shops sell the chapters one and one
yeah. so annoying.
...that comment was definitely useful
totally not sarcastic
just because it's different gives you no right to criticize it, imagine if you were in Japan and you came to America, you would think that the way we read was strange. Manga is awesome so don't judge the way you read. you would probably like it if the way we read manga was the same way we read normally you あま
^^ what's wrong with you ??
it's butthûrt hour.
actually every human being has the right to criticize everything and you getting triggered is fûcking embarrassing in my opinion lololol
the reason it's strange to read is because the text is all over the place. and pls ur not Japanese pls don't act Japanese
I think we found a weeb lololol
ahh, I love manga but I see what you mean *^* and chapters? you have to buy chapters?! if I had to do that, I'd scream...
Why am I the only one who has to buy each individual chapter >:<