Eh this sucks I might take it down. Anyways, I'm not a fan of Melanie or her music, I feel as though her concept is overused and unoriginal. However, I have been watching her videos as they come out. I absolutely hated the milk and cookies/tag yo


{click} Eh this sucks I might take it down. Anyways, I'm not a fan of Melanie or her music, I feel as though her concept is overused and unoriginal. However, I have been watching her videos as they come out. I absolutely hated the milk and cookies/tag yo

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{click} Eh this sucks I might take it down. Anyways, I'm not a fan of Melanie or her music, I feel as though her concept is overused and unoriginal. However, I have been watching her videos as they come out. I absolutely hated the milk and cookies/tag you're it thingy. I thought it was way to basic and full of cliches and really just with very little substance. Also, with a song like Tag You're it, there was so much to be addressed that Mel could have made an extremely powerful and shaking video. Hers just seemed so basic and, idk, it just didn't really make you think at all. Almost thing same thing about the Pacify Her one. But this one, this one blew me away. It was edgy, it was scary, it made me uncomfortable, it was serious, and most of all, it was creative and 100% original. She blew me away. Would you guys be interested in hearing my interpretation of the song and video? What's yours?
I love melanie💕I like how you have to find the meaning in her songs✌️🤘🏻✨
ew why
oH mY LoRd
thank you! i'm feeling much better :) just a bit achey is all
I'm glad I'm not the only who's thought like this before, I'm definitely not in touch with my feelings, that I do know. it's like a truck just hit me out of nowhere and all my emotions just jumbled up together, it's strange. I'm feeling a tiny bit better today though, so I suppose that's a good thing
no. you're not. stop putting yourself down so much. I understand feat you're saying. honestly. has I don't really know how to help. except that I know there will always be times when people are down. so enjoy your happiness, and creat art you love when you feel down.
I don't know if I'll be on afterwards, I don't usually like talking to anyone after any type of therapy but I'll try. And thank you I'm trying my best not to have a mental breakdown, i love you too
boi it's gerardwayshotpants
how did u not guess
i've got awful grammar on both accounts haha
wowza thx
no I totally get where you're coming from, that's an interesting yet accurate way to explain it.
no, there was a response to a conversation we had a little bit ago and I responded to it lol I hope that makes sense I haven't been on this account for a few days
I don't know, honestly. I'd rather he didn't. I mean. he's 16.
yeah I get exactly what you mean. I don't even know why I'm stressing. we aren't even dating
thanks friend. I understand why he'd want to do it because he has a lot going on at the minute, but I'm just hoping he doesn't
thank you ❤️
I'm not okay but
thank you
thank you!!! it's literally so easy to do though like??
the top right? it's pink but it goes on really sheer
ohhhh, yeah it's a concealer
no? I'll give it a go next time I buy some. how much is it?
I can give you some recommendations for nude lipsticks if you want??
ohhh okay thank you :)
it's a really good one. I can't remember how much it was but it's under £3 I think
the essence face powder is really good, that's the one that I've used for ages
tanish but they do a translucent one as well. also, talcum powder or baby powder (idk what you call it) is also a really good face powder
I don't really use it tbh as I don't have any. but either powders are good
"Beauty is pain and there is beauty in everything."
"She fades away."
"She don't understand she's worth it."
(reply) both
she is incredibly talented I agree
she's v talented and I love her music, but it's not my style, and I completely agree with you that it's not entirely original. however, I do like what she stands for.
I'll try and post them more often