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ur welcome luv u sweetie
love you too
what bout me sweetie what's ur answer
love u sweetie I want all that to
sorry that I wasn't texting you back i was in the office
oh what happened
I have lunch detention all next week
y baby
because I was talking a test and I took a screenshot of it
oh wow
what school u go to
get off
who r u
ok what ever well hi
love you
sweetie y u doing that and I love u too
I don't know
ok lol so what r y'all doing
nothing much
same so u play any sport
yeah I was just about joining the basketball team
oh ok I'm gonna play football next year
hey I might join football with you sweet heart
ok lol but really what school u go to
Lancaster high school how about you
oh ok so is ur friend still here
it's just you and me again
ok good lol
hey you are hot
thank u u r sexy
so what u wanna talk about
hey what is your name
Lydia what is ur name
I don't know
what is ur name
oh ok well I'm bout to go to science and I might get in trouble for texting but I'm gonna text u anyway ok
ok love you
love u to brb ok once I get to class ok sweetie
ok I'm back
what school do you go to baby
Florence middle school
where is that at
yeah the lunch detention that I have is all next week because my teacher said that I was cheating on the test but I wasn't
I have to go love you
I love you
love u to
bye love u talk to u tomorrow
hey you on
hey sweetie
what's up honey
nun in social studies hbu
nun I am in math right now love you
love u more
love you more
prove I
hey honey you on