Collage by Matt_Williams


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that's not scary. Kuma makes it adorabllleeee
I just felt bad because he got blood on his fur
He can Uhm
Lick it off?
I guess I can try to give him a bath
What did you two do anyways did Kuma give birth?
omg 😂 no
Then... Uhm... Then what?
We were trying to scare Alfred
.... Please don't tell me that you apologized after.
I'm sorry but I did, I felt bad he got really scared. I'm sorry
Someone wrote a fanfic about me. Well. Fûçk.
I'm sorry. Wait is that bad or good. I'm sorry
It's cringe-worthy.
I'm so sorry
I'm scared. That was only one chapter.
I'm so sorry I wish I could help I'm sorry
No... it's actually funny, and you didn't do anything.
what is the story about ?
It's a book of ships.
Would you kill me If I stole Kuma?... *^*
nope I would just be sad and lonely. Why ?
Idk. Kuma is just fluffy and I want to hug a polar bear .-.
that makes sense
Fine I'll ask China if I can hug a Japanda. Yes. A Japanda.
if you want you can hug Kuma but I don't think he would like it a lot and he may scratch you, sorry
and I've never heard of a Japanda I'm sorry, what is it ?
It's a panda. With 'J' added.
then wouldn't be Jpanda, sorry I'm just curious I'm sorry
oh sorry 'Ja'. Japanda. :3
ok I'm sorry I didn't mean it in a mean or rude way I'm sorry
It's fine. :) You weren't rude at all.