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I love this song so so much I don't know what it's called but if you search the quote and "Matthew West" on google you should find it, sorry I'm not helpful πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚ anywho, I love love LOVE this quote cause this year during Christmas I've been helping other people who are less fortunate and that stuff. Like since September I've been volunteering at this thing called Good Shepherd and it's basically like a store for homeless people to come in and get food as if they were in a real store ✨ also, I helped out a week or so ago at an Operation Christmas Child factory place and we packed all the shoeboxes to send to Africa and the other places (in which I don't know 😁). NOW today I was at this Christmas dinner for homeless people (2nd year! I also went for thanksgiving in October πŸ¦ƒ) and I had so so much fun! I was manning this Christmas craft table for all the homeless kids and kids of volunteers! I had soo so much fun! I never thought serving other people would be so much fun! reminds me of the song "Love Feels Like" by TobyMac (LISTEN TO IT PLEASE 🎧)
😱 woah that was like a freaking novel! anyways, comment a "🎁" if you read all that
I am Christian. I'm not transgender, but I don't judge people if they do. I don't hate people for what they believe in.
It didn't say anything about supporting them! I'm sick of all of the hate between what people believe in; that's one of the reasons there's a war going on! I don't support it, but I can't help what people think. We can try to get them to follow Christ, but we can't force them to. It doesn't end well for either side.
So? They can live how they want to, whether they worry about the consequences or not. Like I said before, I'm sick and tired of all this bickering about beliefs. It's even gotten into politics, which is overboard.
I wasn't just talking about you, I was talking about the vast majority of people who hate other styles of living.
thanks for rating πŸ™ŠπŸ’•
🎁 I love those songs! you're like the only other person I've found that loves Matthew Wests songs!
that's cause I'm the only smart person on here other than you πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ also _CarrieTheRedNosedReindeer_ (my sister) loves him too :3