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My friend just got Instagram and I'm salty af cause I don't have it. I don't know why this bothers me so much but now I'm literally the only person ever to not have Instagram


🌸Click 🌸 My friend just got Instagram and I'm salty af cause I don't have it. I don't know why this bothers me so much but now I'm literally the only person ever to not have Instagram

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DUDE I relate. I'm practically the only person I know who doesn't have an instagram and I hate it because I feel like I miss a lot
@caption all my friends are like "oMg dID yOu sEe tHaT POsT oN INstA?" im like no i dont have one *is really salty*
I don't if it counts
I don't have instagram either
I don't have Instagram or Snapchat!
^^ thank you guys, I feel a lot better
We should start a revolution
awesome lmâo
I don't have an Instagram either😂
me neither haha
oh my god my freaking mOm has instagram and I don't
same! ^^
i'm going to be driving soon and i'm like the ONLY person at my school without it