I know this is really ugly lol and i’m sorry haha


THANK YALL SO MUCH 😭 (tap) I know this is really ugly lol and i’m sorry haha

72 3
when is your birthday? what’s your fav season? what’s your favourite place in this world?
CONGRATS!!!!! you deserve this and so much more!!!!!! 💛😱👍🤩💕
CONGRATULATIONS BESTIE!! you deserve this sooooo much and sooooo many more 💗
last meal on earth? darkest thought? places you want to travel to? favourite clothing item and store? something that inspires you? the most personal thing you’ve ever written? do you prefer Star Wars or Marvel? favourite flower and favourite scent? if you could save one animal from extinction what would it be?
okay that was a lot, but I have more…I’ll let some other people say some first though. how was your day today Dianne?
What inspired you to start breathing?
breathing air* to be precise
if you were an atom, which atom would you be?
aww i’m sorry :( i hope your day gets better!! if you wanna say or talk about anything feel 100% free to 💓💓
& my day has been okay! pretty much just school and i’m currently rewatching gilmore girls on my lunch break :))
same! it's literally impossible to list them all lol
we have like the same taste in music ohmygosh! what's your fav song by billie eilish?
Thank youu
Congrats on 500!!💕💕🎊
that's cool:)
I'm okay, just very tired... wbu?
Congrats on 500 btw! you deserve it so much💜
Favourite songs.
What album or artists gives off an aesthetic/vibe for example 1989 beachy, summer retro aesthetic and vibe
Omg congrats!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And your welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ty!! and the rest of my day was pretty decent :) i spent time with my dog and basically just relaxed !! hbu?? how was your day? 💓💓
aww tyy!! his name is shorty and he is a lab x hound mix :)
oohhh that’s fun!!! 💓💓 (happy early bday to ur sister!!) where are you moving?
awww feeling for you Dianne! I’m doing pretty good. if you need more I’ll definitely drop some more but idk we’ll see…
ahh congrats!
fav thing about pc? what’s your favorite way to show ppl you care? your favorite friendship/relationship rn? 👀
I’m doing okay too lol I’ve been better 🤷‍♂️
for q&a: any song recs 👀
yes all these are amazing! and honestly I just discovered her a few weeks ago so...
same! literally nobody has my music taste lol
my day was great! We had a school trip today: we were in the city and did a "timeride" (you travel through time with Vr glasses; everything looks so real) and then we were allowed to walk through Munich in small groups, we were at starbucks lol
^sorry I'm so bad at explaining something:( how was your day btw?
I love listening to rihanna, taylor swift, kelly clarkson, sam smith, celine dion (specifically her french songs) , norah jones (jazz), ariana grande (OFC), mariah carey, little mix, billie eilish, AURORA, imagine dragons, coldplay (these last ones are the ones that we have in common)
but there are so many other I like!💓
How to make really pretty collages and where to find inspiration for them?
not much going on with me honestly haha. what about you?
congrats! what’s your favorite time of day? what are your hobbies? what’s your favorite trait about yourself? where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?
favourite thing about life?
favourite thing to do?
oh yeahhh, so are you going into spring or autumn?
oh congratulations dianne!
ofc! and no, i haven’t seen it yet so no spoilers!
hey dianne! how are you today?💓
congrats, thats such a big accomplishment ☺️☺️
congrats 🎉 🎉
I LOVE Pokémon! I’ve watched and played it. I have Pokémon x and Pokémon Moon! hbu????
and omggg you’re so talented!!!how do you play so many instruments???? And Idk who my fav artist is actually…I like Queen and Frank Sinatra. And The Weeknd too! but yea ik for sure because I listen to a lot of ppl
hbu??? do you have a favorite artist?
so who is your celebrity crush?.
Congrats!! So well deserved!
A place you really wanna travel to?
One bucketlist item? (Or just something you really wanna do once in your life)
Favourite song?
Thank you!!
favourite singer?
ummmm…..this is hard?
favourite song? where would you like to travel in the future?? how old are you? (if ur comfortable saying off!)
Congrats 🎉 you are amazing! Hru doing? 💖💖💖💖
hey dianne! how are you? <3
hii i’m horrible rn loll 😭😭hbu?
aww you're so sweet🤍
that sounds great! I'm good, just very tired today!
aww don’t worry and i’m so sorry you’re unmotivated!! basically my homecoming didn’t have the best start or ending 😭the friend i was gonna go with canceled on our afternoon plans and then made me go back and forth at the dance to find where she was, only to find out she left. she’s just been blowing me off lately and it kind of sucks 😭😭
I'm so sorry, dianne💔 whatever scares you, I'm here for you if you want to talk. I hope you feel better soon, I wish I could find the right words or do something for you:( you are so loved💓
Don't worry about pc. Your health is much more important, take the time you need to feel better<3
are you feeling better today?
thank you so much!! i’m doing good, how are you?
I have been doing great! This is my fave too. And the girls I found them they aren't mine (and I love them too :))
aww thank you so much :((💓
i’m hoping to be better soon, and i’m trying more and more each day <33
of course💓💓
aww I understand that, there are always these days where you feel a bit down:(
ja ich liebe Herbst🥹
I'm stealin nothing, I made those by myself
thank you so so much for letting me know i appreciate that!!! 🩷🩷
yes I've seen this:( thank you for letting me know though!💓
But that wasn't well thought out either, @dreamy-sky simply took the collage, which was completely new. you just need to click on another account to see the collage🤷‍♀️
Du kannst so gut Deutsch! Ja Herbst ist wunderschön, es ist so gemütlich und mich fasziniert irgendwie, wie die Natur sich mit den Jahreszeiten verändert:)
ehh I’ve been better my gf dumped me yesterday so ykk 😀
Thank you ❤
Sorry, I think I worded it wrong: I meant that @dreamy-sky stole collages that were relatively new. So if you click on an account (from which the collage was stolen) you will see the collage directly. If @dreamy-sky had taken an older collage, you wouldn't have seen at first glance that it wasn't her collage
I hope you understand what I meant now, if not, it's not that important... sorry my english is so bad😭😭
101th comment haha
glaub mir, du sprichst so gut, hab doch mehr Vertrauen in dich selbst💓 mein Lieblingsessen is wahrscheinlich Pizza oder Sushi, früher habe ich gerne Schnitzel gegessen (bayerische spezialität haha) aber seitdem ich Vegetarierin bin, esse ich das nur noch selten
was ist dein Lieblingsessen?
haha well now you dooo ✌️✌️
thank you so much 🩷🩷
oh cool!
I’m doing alright thanks, what about you bestie? x
maybe I’ll update you with the details of my emotions on our remix soon
what have you been up to lately??<33
Thank you, Dianne ❤
I’m feeling the exact same Dianne. I hope both of our lives settle down for a bit soon and I can sort through the emotional issues I’m currently dealing with. I’m here if you need to talk about what you’re struggling with at all 🩷
take all the time you need! I’ve been really inactive lately too, and will probably continue to be.
for the most part yes, it’s kinda minute by minute yk 😭
hru thooo
jaa ich habe so viele Lieblingsessen, ich bräuchte Tage um alles aufzuzählen lol
FOR REALLL! kartoffelsuppe, bratkartoffeln, Kartoffelpüree, Kartoffelsalat,... 🌿
aww don't worry about the collab! take the time you need💓
I'm pretty good, I watched some tv today and I had to study for the exams next week <3
how are you doing? is everything okay?
thank you⭐️
congratulations!! 🩷🩷
^this is so disrespectful:( brianna doesn't deserve this!
omg i love those movies! aa that reminds me that today was the day they fought thanos omg can’t believe it’s been 5 years 😭😭
I have been good lately! keeping busy with school and other stuff! what about you? 🫶🏻
yes let’s post! it was so much fun doing this with you lovely🫶
i’m very late but congratulations dianne! you really deserve this and have been one of my idols on pc for a long time as well as one of my closest friends. thank u so much for everything! 🩶🩶🩶
some questions: favourite sports? favourite bands/artists/music genre? something that makes u smile? and a reason u get up in the morning?
you deserve it! ❤️
what are your prounounse?
where does you profile pic come from?
girly you deserve 10000 followers
do you have any pets????????