i hate it when people ask for features/followers/WHATEVER. being 'PC famous' is just a dream for the small-minded who's ambitions are limited by the prospect of 'popularity'. only the untalented ask for applause. ✉


i hate it when people ask for features/followers/WHATEVER. being 'PC famous' is just a dream for the small-minded who's ambitions are limited by the prospect of 'popularity'. only the untalented ask for applause. ✉

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sorry, I love your collages and everything but your caption is just stupid. people ask for followers because this is something they are passionate about and something that they enjoy doing. if they want to be PC famous, then let them. it's easy for someone like you with loads of followers to complain about people that actually work hard on their collages and want recognition. shame on you and I'm sorry but you just lost a follower