Next Book: Girl in Pieces, Kathleen Glasglow // This book is about a broken girl on the road to recovery. I found lots of good quotes and it was really meaningful.✨"That's how hearts get broken, you know, when you believe in promises✨


Next Book: Girl in Pieces, Kathleen Glasglow // This book is about a broken girl on the road to recovery. I found lots of good quotes and it was really meaningful.✨"That's how hearts get broken, you know, when you believe in promises✨

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I'm better now!❤️
this is just beautiful ❤🌹💖
tyyyy babe! oml this is pure beauty asdfghjkl
I decided not to go😂😂
thanks! I'll post it soon!💕💕 so, what's up?
awesome, but no, I'll look it up, sounds cool! what's your favorite song? mine is probably "That's What I Like" By Bruno Mars😂😂
omg, sorry, we have, that's my short term memory loss kicking in💕 lol jk😂😂 but I never remember anything these days..... sorry😂😂😂
😂ok, bye! have an awesome rest of your day💫
Thank you so much!😊😆💕✨
omg, it is so warm here, at the start of the day it was like 20 degrees, now it is 57!! (that's pretty warm where I live😂)☀️🌤
Yeah, I was so happy to do nothing today😂 And same, if I had lost my spot I would have been so sad!