Rp with my friends


Rp with my friends

14 0
* hugs you *
* puts arm around you does doggy filter and saves it *
* puts phone down and lays there *
* what kind of position is that ? *
* laughs * (lol laughing so hard right now because I thought of what my sis youse to do
yeah I started losing my breath
* thinks why the blank face *
* lays down with you *
* hugs you I know *
* runs fingers through you hair *
* smiles *
hey u on
are u on
yeah I am now but you'll have to wait to talk to me 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔I wish I could but I'm going out to eat
hey u there
Chris u on
sorry I fell asleep
hey u on
I went to my nephews fro his B-Day